Whenever I hear the word vacation, I think of that song, v-a-c-a-t-i-o-n, we’re gonna have a ball… thanks Mom. I hear the Back Home Again in Indiana song any time I cross the state line too thanks to my Mom.

We spent last week on vacation in the South. We should’ve known it would be crazy hot, so I will try not to complain about that. We should have known better! It was over 100 every day though, and some days we saw thermometers that had numbers like 106 and 108. It was warm to say the least. It was also very fun.

Alabama Vacation 288

This is the beach in Gulf Shores, Alabama. Awesome, except for the biting flies. Wow. Those really hurt. But, as you can see, we pretty much had the beach to ourselves which was pretty awesome. We also chose to ignore the no pets on the beach sign. The pup had to put her paws in the gulf after all! (she didn’t like it). There are many, many things to write about and I will begin a day by day recap later this week I hope. I am on a big deadline and working hard to meet it. Sometimes when I have big writing deadlins the last thing I want to do is hang out at the computer in the evening and write some more. But I do want to capture it all before it starts to fade. We saw some really unique stuff.